Massive and invisible at the same time, the monk seal is struggling to regain space on the shores of the World’s busiest sea. Its secrets, enclosed in the folds of the wildest coastlines, are revealed by three nature photographers, who have crossed the Mediterranean in the wake of this legendary predator. The result is a unique portrait of this species, in which aesthetics and scientific facts merge.
The book in a nutshell
166 pages
FSC 170g paper
24.5 x 28 cm
Bilingual text Italian/English
110 photographs
1.2 kg
Foreword by Luigi Boitani
Informative texts, scientific essays and field notes
Published with the endorsement of the Monk Seal Alliance and Arcipelago Toscano National Park
Quercuslibris Edizioni
Price: 35 € + shipping costs -(17 € EU countries, 7 € Italy). First deliveries at the end of October.
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